Monday 20 March 2017


Date: 18 March 2017,Saturday.
Venue: Aman Central, Alor Setar.
I decided to join this event based on many positive reviews online and from friends who joined the first version in 2016.
Photos by: Action Pix Malaysia

Not many of my regular running friends joined this event. It was the second out station run planned for March 2017 in my running calendar for 2017. However, runners won't be alone and I know of many of my FB running friends will be there after the amazing weekend that I had at PIM 2017 in Kuantan.
Learning from my past experience of back to back long run from weekend to weekend, I was not that sure that I would be able to improve my performance at ASHM 2017.I was only able to have a 10km run between PIM to ASHM for the fitness and preparation although my body felt pretty good to face my first ever ASHM.

My journey started as early as 5.15 a.m. from Nilai on Friday, 17 March. A good friend of mine who is also a part time Uber driver fetched me from home and sent me to KLIA 2.

I was thinking of bringing my family with me for this trip but it seems my children have been busier than me now on weekends. Zakwan will have his taekwondo grading test on Saturday and Fareesya who will sit for UPSR this year has her tuition class on Saturday too.

Arrived at the boarding hall just in time after my Subuh prayer and I was sitting with an elderly couple during the flight. I slept few minutes after the take off and woke up about 10 minutes before the plane landed at the airport.

The place for my stay this time was at my friend's house which he converted it into a homestay when he moved to a new house. Dr. Ahmad Fauzey Kassim is an old friend at we studied together at the UKM matriculation centre in Kuala Pilah more than 20 years ago. He offered me to stay at his house and surely I could not turn down a sincere request from a good old friend.
When I called him on Thursday, he told me that he just undergone a surgery for the ACL injury a few days before. I felt sorry him and I told him that he doesn’t have to be worry about me because I will find my way to be at his homestay.

Once the plane landed about 8.10 a.m., I replied his text that requested me to notify him once I have landed. Then I was very surprised to see his reply that asked me wait for him to come and fetch me at the airport. I immediately called him and told him that I did not want to trouble him because he is still not well due to the surgery. Talked to him but he insisted for him to fetched me and told me his wife will drive anyway. I was speechless and just waited for him.
He arrived with his kain pelikat sitting at the front passenger seat with his wife. So glad to see him again but so sorry to see him injured like that. Then we moved to the homestay and we had a very nice and lively chat along the way. He showed me places where I can have nice meals nearby the homestay and the place just a walking distance from the homestay location.
Then he left me at the homestay I told him not to worry about my stay and I will call him if I have anything to ask before I leave.
I was so touch for what he did for me. Sometime a good friend does surprise us in life.

After settling down at the homestay, I checked the RPC venue from the Google map. About 2.5km from the house. Then I checked Uber service and unfortunately no service available. Then I checked Grabcar but after many attempts, still did not get connected when I entered details in the apps. Walked to the main road and tried to wait for a taxi or bus. I can see Menara Alor Setar from there. After almost 10 minutes waited and still not able to get any ride, I decided to walk with the guide of Google map to Aman Central. What in my mind that was, if I can run for 42km, what is there for only 2km plus to walk?
I walked through the road and along the way there were trees with fallen Tecoma flowers covering the ground. That gave something nice to see for almost 1km walk along the roadside.

After about 2km, I walked passed the overhead bridge that crossed the river toward the city center where Aman Central is located. I realised I was alone walking along the roadside and with Friday is the public holiday in Kedah, I was not that disturbed by the heavy noise and traffic during my walk. It took me about 25 minutes to reach Aman Central. Reached the RPC venue at the LG floor at about 10 a.m. Asked to wait since they will start at 10.30 a.m.
Then I went to the other side of the building and I saw the Alor Setar Tower is actually located just the other side of the road next to Aman Central. I was not sure when I was at the tower in May 2015, the Aman Central building was there or not.
I decided to take a rest and drink at the tower while waiting until 10.30 a.m.
I also took some photos at the tower, sent it to my family and posted them at my social media channels.

Returned to the RPC venue at 10.30 a.m. and took my race pack. Here I bumped into the well know figure in the running community in Malaysia, Mohd Azmi @ GME with his running buddy Ayie Ska.They came from a morning run in Alor Setar city. We took some photos together too.

After that I decided to return to the homestay and to have lunch before looking for a mosque for the Friday prayer. Then I planned to have some rest before deciding on what to do next in the evening and night.
Tat Nasi Ayam was the place and menu for my lunch which just about few minutes walk from the homestay. Took a taxi ride from Aman Central to the homestay. I was told it is fairly famous spot and meal in Alor Setar by my friend Fauzey. I tried it and it is fairly tasty especially its unique rice and sauce.

After the Friday prayer received text messages from Yan and Halim, my Anonymous Runners husband and wife friends. They asked if I can help to register their kids for the 5km fun run manually for ASHM 2017.Told them that I will check if I return to Aman Central that evening.

Had good rest with a nice sleep after the Friday prayer. Decided to go back to Aman Central after Asar prayer and to return before 11p.m. Luckily this time I have managed to get a taxi ride after waiting for few minutes.

It was very fortunate when I checked at the RPC venue that the manual registration for 5km run is still open. I registered for 2 of Yan and Halim kids. Called and informed them that they were still driving at Ipoh and that time it was about 6 plus p.m. They told me they will arrive around 9.30 p.m. and can pick up the race pack at my homestay. Since I had nothing to do to go back early, I decided to fill the time while waiting for them by watching a movie at Aman Central. Watching movie alone is not something I am not used to do for many years but I did it again this time. Called my wife and also told my kids about that because watching movies has been one of our favorite activities during school holidays or weekends.

My kids sounded "not happy" when they knew that I wanted to watch a movie alone but they could not. So, I told them that can pick and subscribe for any interesting move from Astro First or Astro Best for the weekend. Then they sounded happy immediately...he he he.
I watched Logan that started at 7.45 p.m. While waiting for it I went to the tower area to relax and enjoy the night views and ambient over there. It was pretty lively there too with traffic and people slowly getting more crowded. is an interesting movie compare to other movies in the X-Men sequels.

It has more than human elements and emotion between the main characters Logan, Xavier and the little mutant girl who has similarity with Logan. Although plenty of violent acts with bloodshed in all fighting scenes between Logan and hunters of Xavier and Laura the mutant girl consistently shown all the way but I could feel their scare to be killed and hope to survive. Logan ended at almost 10p.m and that was about 10 minutes before Halim and Yan arrived at the tower. Glad to see them safely arrived and gave them the race packs.

Thought of taking a taxi to return back to the homestay but Halim and Yan offered and insisted to send me there since they were about to continue their journey to their hometown in Jitra. It is coincidence that my homestay is just along the same route from the city centre to Jitra.

I slept that night at about 11p.m. after getting all my attire prepared for the run in the next morning.

My ASHM 2017 started exactly at 3.15 a.m. when the alarm woke me up on 18 March.
Reached the event location after another long walk from the home stay. It was not many crowd yet with about another 1 hour before the flag off. I just walked around and sent my stuff to be kept at the temporary storage counter provided. 

Started to talk with few runners who were already there and most of them from the north. There were fairly amazed when I informed that I am from KL and told them there are many more from KL other than me.

After about 20 minutes, more and more people were arriving. I went to the tower area over there someone introduced himself to as my FB friend, Anta Anta, Glad to meet him and then joined by his friend from Shah Alam, Ameeyn. Then another one guy who introduced himself as my FB friend but I cannot recall his name now. Thanks bro if you read this post. 

Not long after that, I finally met with another FB friend for the first time Wak Omar, a veteran runner like me. We had a fairly long chat until we moved to the FO area where warm up session was held and led by a lady in front of the elevated area at Aman Central that facing the tower.

Here when we were about to enter the FO area, I suddenly noticed something weird. I was holding my phone all the way from the homestay and when I wanted to put it in my waist pouch, I was not there at my waist! Alamak!!! How am I going to run with my phone without it? Then I realised the pouch was not event in my travelling bag and I totally forgot about it when I left home in Nilai. I might have placed it somewhere did not put it in my bag.

Then I just decided to run with the phone. With the weather looked pretty nice and clear, I did not expect there will be rain throughout the 21km (I was just hoping and praying for that). So what I did was, I just place my phone within my tight at my stomach. I felt the grip should be good enough to hold my phone. Used to try it few times before during my regular runs when I forgot to bring my wait pouch but he longest distance was never beyond 7km as far as I can remember. At that point I could only tawakkal that the phone will survive its first 21km attached with my tight and skin only. 

I managed to get among the first few front rows for the FO but my worry this time more on how comfortable I would be without my waist pouch. Luckily I am not the type of runner who must supplements such as energy gel, salt stick and etc. for my 21km run. However, if this happen for a FM run, surely it will be a DNS for me because I need all that as well.

The FO was done on time at 5a.m. I was a pretty smooth start for me when surprisingly the NRC indicated to me that I was running at pace 4 for the first km. I knew that it would be too risky for me to run at that pace and I decided to run at pace 5 after that and tried to hand on there as far as possible like I did at PIM 2017 a week ago. I was still at the pace 5 until we reached the first and second water station and I felt pretty good about it and already had the feeling that I might be able to have another good performance this time.

Photos by: Action Pix Malaysia

At 10km, the NRC indicated I clocked 58 minutes at that was just what I was hoping too. To stay under one hour with pace 5. Thought of pushing myself a little bit harder after that because this was my last HM run of the month and it would be good and more satisfying if I can finish it strongly. However, that was not meant to be. Not long after the 10km, suddenly my NRC indicated to me something weird. It sounded like I just resumed the run but I did not set it to auto-pause setting this time. It was because I wanted to compare the NRC time with the actual chip time at the end of the run. I quickly took my phone and checked it while I continuing with my run. I saw the clock on the screen still counting. Then I put it back but about less than a minute after that, it indicated with the voice that I was just resuming my run again. I had another look and still the clock was still counting and also indicated about the right km value. The I just continued my run and tried to maintain my pace.

However, I realised that there was no more voice indication after that until I reached the 12km.One thing the organizer did very good for ASHM 2017, they provided a sign board for every km that left for us to finish. So that, without my NRC, I was still able to know how long I was running and how many more km to finish. The only very obvious disadvantage for me was, I was not able to respond to the changes of pace along my run that will normally serves as my guide to run to achieve my targeted time or to change my strategy if needed.

I just continued my run and by that time, I was prepared for the stop for my Subuh prayer. Initially, the praying facility was provided at the 8km but after receiving feedback from participants, it was change to after the 13km.Kudos to the organizer because at 8km and for runners with the pace that are within my range, it would be too early to stop and pray at the 8km when the flag off was at 5p.m and Subuh prayer time at about few minutes after 6 a.m.
Just after I passed the 12km, I reached a Petronas Fuel Station and in the same time I knew the prayer facility should be available after the 13km indicated by the organiser. Somehow, suddenly I thought if I could pray earlier at that station, I might be able to avoid the potential crowd at the prayer facility provided later. My assumption was, the prayer facility would be a temporary canopy or something as I experienced it at SCKLM and Twincity Marathon.

So, I made the decision to pray at the station but later to find out that that was not a good decision. Once I arrived at the station, I started to walk and tried to locate the surau which normally available at the back of the station. I planned to spend only about 5-6 minutes for the prayer and then to continue my run. To my surprise, I after circulating the petrol station building twice, I could not find any surau and just toilets were available. I quickly confirmed with one of the personnel there and they told me that there is no surau and informed me there is a mosque not far just after the station. I believe I spent about few minutes there and then I rushed to the main road to continue my run and looking for the mosque as mentioned.

I reached the mosque not long after that and I saw a few crew members from the organizer were waiting in front of a van parked at the entrance of a mosque. So, the praying facility indicated in the updated route map was not a temporary facility or mobile surau but a mosque. The best part of it was, the crews were also giving kain pelikat to all runners who stopped for praying and later return it to them. In the end, my decision to pray at different location than the one provided caused me almost double the time than planned. However, the most important part was, I did not miss my prayer.

After the prayer, I checked again my phone and again, I was shocked to see the screen was totally off. I tried to restart and it did not work. After a few attempts, it started but I have to restart a new run at NRC.This took me several more minutes after the prayer before I finally continued my run. After continuing my run for some time, I still could not hear any indication by NRC from my phone and I checked it again. Oh my God! The screen was off again and my attempts to restart it failed. Then I just continued my run my mind was busy wondering what have had happened to my phone. That really worried me because if phone would not function after that, I would have more problems to deal with other than just tracking my timing for my run at ASHM 2017. At least I would have the official time for that.

Only then I realised that when I checked my phone few times before, the screen was wet. When I gave another deeper thought, I noticed that my vest also already soaked with sweat. Other than that, I was totally forgot that I did not wear a waist pouch when I reached at each WS before. Every time I drank after taking the cup from the table or from the crews, I just allowed the water spilled and splashed to my body from the cup because normally I did not stop and drinking while running slowly. Sometime I just pour water to my head and my neck to refresh myself. I quickly concluded in my mind that it was the cause of the problem with my phone.

I spent about few km thinking about the phone and what I would be doing to deal with that phone after the finish line. So, I ran for the second half of the run with no guide or notification for my real time and pace for the first time at a HM run at an event.It was quite fortunate that at least I was still able to track the distance left to be covered from the signboard provided by the organiser. After that I just focus to finish the run and push myself a little bit whenever I feel comfortable to do it.

My general observations at the event
  • The route for ASHM2017 was almost similar to PIM 2017 where it was fairly flat route with very little elevation throughout the 21km.
  • We were basically allowed to circulate the Alor Setar city. The traffic control was superb to  me where crews were  seen manning each junction and exit/entrance roads to guide and give direction to runners.
  • At the major junctions especially with traffic lights, traffic policemen and RELA personnel were deployed to ensure runners can pass smoothly. 
  • I also saw safety cones were placed along the route throughout the 21km which was something much better and not available at PIM 2017. Water stations with standing banners could be seen clearly before running reaching them and manned with friendly crews.
  • The start/finish area was located at Aman Central shopping complex.No mobile toilets provided but toilet facilities at the complex were opened to be used by all.There were no mobile toilets provided along the route as well and runners were only could depend on any public toilet facility available along the route such as at fuel stations and mosques.Something need to be considered for improvement in the next events.

I realised that I started to run at much slower pace after the 17km onwards. I just felt exhausted and every time I tried to push harder to run faster, I could not last long although I did not feel any sign of muscle problems or cramp. I was still could breath easily and I think after all what happened especially about my phone and how I have to deal with that problem after that, I just felt to forget about the pace or timing and just to reach the FL comfortably was the best thing to focus at the moments.

Photos by: Action Pix Malaysia
I had a very relaxed and nice run in the last few km towards the FL. My mind was more thinking about my experiences from PIM and at that moments at ASHM.I did fairly good at PIM after as disastrous performance at SAHM.Realistically, to have another strong performance on back to back weekends would not be an easy task as well. OUR MIND MAY HAVE NO BOUNDARY BUT OUR BODY HAS. With that in mind at that moments, I believe if I would be able to finisg the ASHM 2017, it would be another  great personal accomplishment for me too in my running adventure. 

I felt the last 2-3 km was very far for me before I can see the finish line.I used the Alor Setar tower that my eyes could see as the marker while pushing myself to finish the run. Finally, when I reached the last turn towards the end , I was still having some gas to start my regular final sprint  to cross the finish line.So glad, that final sprint was captured by the event photographer Action Pic Malaysia with the iconic tower as the background of the photo.
Photos by:Action Pix Malaysia

I saw the timing board when I was getting closer to the FL which indicated about 2 hours plus. Then I was so glad that I can raise my hands again to finish my 9th half marathon event and the 3rd for 2017.
Whooaahh!!! I have done again with another injury and muscle problems free run.

Immediately after I collected my medal, finisher tee and other stuff, I quickly looked for a spot to sit and checked again my phone.Tried to dry it by wiping it with small towel that I brought with me.Attempted to turn it on again and again and unfortunately it did not work at all.That really worried me and I just tried to calm myself by having more drink and meals provided there.After few minutes, I just walked around thinking about what I would like do next. While walking an having my drink, I met new a friend Mukti Bakar. He works at MIDA Alor Setar office and just finished his first ever HM at ASHM 2017 and I congratulated him for this accomplishment. We had fairly long chat and then joined by Afiq, another FB friend of mine. Told them about the problem with my phone as well and they felt sorry about that. Then we too k some photos together and I requested them to share with me those photos via FB since I was no longer able to take photos with my phone.

I also asked a favour from Afiq to use his phone for me to inform my wife and also to inform my friend Fauzey about my problem to communicate with then until I resolve my phone problem. Thank you Afiq!

Then I bumped into into some other running friends Nicx Ryme and Nik Shukri with another FB friend Siti Hamidah.Finally met her for the first time.Also met again with Anta Anta and Ameeyn. This is my most favourite part at every running event.At ASHM 2017, although I came all over alone but at the event or at RPC, I would not feel alone anymore because running has connected me with many in real life and via social media.

This time I had a chance to have a fairly longer chat with Nik Shukri, an elder brother of Nicx Ryme. Both are very avid ad fast runners too.We talked and share some about our family, career and other stuff about life as well other than about running. He was not in a good condition due to fever to run at ASHM this time but braved himself to be there because it was his hometown event he said and how could he miss it. Bravo for your spirit Capt Nik!

Then I have little mood to be there longer because I still could not figure out the way to resolve my communication problem after that.

Overall, the event was great and definitely will be in my running calendar next year and I truly hope the next trip to Alor Setar for ASHM 2018 would be a family affair.

Officially below  are details of my results at #ASHM2017

Distance: 21km
Time: 2 hours 20 minutes
Overall Position: 168/821 
Category Position(Men Veteran):53/166
Gender Position(Men):156/683

1st Check Point   5:23mins/km
2nd Check Point  6:20mins/km
3rd  Check Point  8:41mins/km


Some take away or hard lessons learned for me from ASHM 2017...
1. Mistakes can happen and in this case, my mistake from a decision to run with my phone without the waist pouch made me pay for a new phone.The cost to change my damaged LCD screen caused by water is as good as getting a new phone.Something avoidable. Attempts to check and to figure out what went wrong during the run had also slowed me down and ate my running time as well.

2.Some decisions during the run could our total performance in term of timing.My decision to pray at the location that was not sure about the availability of surau caused me to lose about 5-6 minutes unnecessarily.

3. Our body needs enough break to recover for us to have another good running performance if we really aiming for it.One week is definitely not enough for us to truly recover physically from one 21km run to another 21km run.We may have no problem to finish the run but we could not expect both runs will produce similar or better performance from one to another.

left Alor Setar on a night flight after I had a very good sleep at the hometstay upon after having my lunch again at Tat Nasi Ayam restaurant.Had another nap during the flight and woke up just before landing again at KLIA 2 to go back home.

Thanks ASHM2017 for my colourful and memorable trip to Alor Setar. To my good brother Dr. Ahmad Fauzey Kassim and wife, thanks so much!

Until we meet again next year guys! In sha Allah.


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