Friday 26 May 2017


Event: Standard Chartered KL Marathon (SCKLM)
Date: 21 May 2017
Venue: Merdeka Square Kuala Lumpur

Finally, the biggest day for long distance road runners in Malaysia has arrived.

It was planned as another weekend stay in KL and short afternoon outing with my family from Saturday after I finished some works at the office in the morning. However, the plan was disrupted when suddenly my 7 years old son scheduled for his taekwondo grading on Saturday, 4pm. So, we had to go to the hotel separately. I went from the office and my wife and kids will take the komuter from Nilai after my son's grading finished.

I arrived at the SCKLM to run a FM for my first time in this event. An upgraded distance from just a HM run in 2016 when I had so great memories that still sweet in my mind. The event is so special and some said it is the Hari Raya of runners from all over the country once in a year.

The first is always memorable and this is my first year of trying full marathon runs.

The date for SCKLM was brought earlier from 7 Aug 2016 to 21 May 2017.Less than a year and this year's version is my second-year participation in the most prestigious running event in Malaysia. What has made it more special this time is I was joined by wife who finally decided to take the challenge to run her first 10km event after running only in 5km distance since last year.

When I decided to take a shot at the FM last year, it was initially thought that SCKLM 2017 would be the best platform for me to launch it but it ended up became the third and the last one for my FM challenge in 2017.

Positively, after finishing strongly for my personal barometer as a FM newbie in 2 FM runs before namely Twincity on 15 Jan and Borneo International Marathon(BIM) on 7 May, I arrived at SCKLM 2017 with more relaxed mood with some confidence to have another enjoyable run.

I am thankful and grateful with supports, tips and encouragement from all my running friends that have made my experiences in FM as a newbie so interesting and colourful. Not to forget it has been with not too much pain or drama that I had anticipated from stories I heard and read from many sources. All that only possible with the carefully planned routines to build myself physically and mentally to conquer every marathon run and to enjoy each of it in the same time.

Yes. Marathon run is not something that we can simply jump into it and have a good time with it. However, it's our choice to experience it just like that or with some preparation to gauge the readiness before taking the shot.

I chose the second choice because I am the type of person who love to experience and enjoy the journey while making the gradual progress in my preparation.

What I have made it clear to myself from the time I decided to take on the marathon last year is, it is just another way for me to stay healthy and fit with a little bit more challenge into it.

It has not been my intention to push my body and mind too much that may result me to suffer from potential injuries due to the FM run and related activities in the preparation or during the run itself.

After 3 FM runs at 43 yrs. old, I must admit that I am surprised to myself and along the way my family too more in positive ways. I also acknowledged that with a well-planned training and diet in the preparation will make the first attempt won't be that painful too. It’s all about learning and understanding responses from our body and manage it better in the next attempt because my goal always to stay cramp and injury free run at each event.

On top of that my journey from jogging to a FM has managed to led some changes in my family   towards adopting healthier lifestyle too. Other than I am also happy to see some of my siblings, old and new friends have been encouraged to be healthier and fit through my sharing of experiences in changing myself.

Often asked about how I keep myself motivated and truly enjoying all my runs and my answer to that is very easy.

FM or running is just one of many ways to do it and the decision is ours.

For my FM adventure, so far, I believe I have achieved all my initial goals and one of the most important discoveries is I did not know I can be healthier and more fit than when I was in 20s and 30s just from a healthy lifestyle.

Not as well planned and well executed compare to the Twincity but I strongly believe that my experiences in managing my body for 2 FM runs would be able to help me a lot.

Just like BIM 2017, the buildup for this run was not as well planned and executed as intended but somehow I felt more relaxed and calm to come to the event day. It could be due to the experiences gained from the previous runs that has enabled me to have much better understanding about my body along the 42km distance and how to manage it to the FL.

For the buildup of my SCKLM this year, I have created a personal challenge for the month of May where I planned to run in back to back events on every weekend started from BIM 2017, followed by Nilai Half Marathon(NHM) and then SCKLM 2017.

The idea is just to test my endurance and strength to gauge my fitness level for self-satisfaction.

I have achieved my goals for the first two runs in May which is to stay free from cramp and injury to my muscles and joints and that gave me much more confidence that I will be doing fine in SCKLM 2017. In the last taper week after the Nilai Half Marathon, I had one gym session on Monday morning for about 1 and half hour for my upper body workouts and followed by two easy night runs 5km each at Putrajaya on Wednesday and Friday with my running friends. In both runs, I felt pretty good and ready to enjoy my first FM run at SCKLM.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017.Putrajaya

With Ikhmil and Habib

Zamri with the cap

Met Jinggo the birthday boy of that day

Friday, 19 May 2017, Putrajaya
Joined by my wife as the last training for her to prepare for her first 10km run at SCKLM 2017.
Her busy schedule as a teacher at school has limited his time lately to have the needed training for her to run more comfortably. I knew she was worry because 10km is something that she has never thought to try in her running.However I do admirer her willingness to accept the challenge when I shared with her about the excitement to run at SCKLM to make a try for the new distance.

Fortunately she would not be alone to do it because two of her running friends who are also teachers agreed to run 10km with her for the same time as well.

This last run was also coupled with a simple gathering and group photo session with my AR running friends  with potluck meals to celebrate our participation in SCKLM 2017 and our last  LSD run before the month of Ramadhan.

Makan-makan with AR  friends

Group photo before SCKLM 2017

Experiences and some preparation may not necessarily will make us faster all the time for the next run but it will help us to feel more prepared mentally and physically on the race day.
To me, it is no longer about to finish the run but it is just about how strong and how much more I would enjoy the experience and challenges of the biggest marathon event in the country.

Based on record from the organiser, below are figures for the full marathon registered runners for 2017 edition.

MEN: 6,949, FEMALE: 1,449, TOTAL: 8,398
MALE: 1,892, FEMALE: 321, TOTAL: 2,213

At a better place than last year at the KWC Complex. Had a time window after the lunch hour to take it after the AGM at Shah Alam in the morning of 18 May, Thursday.

Saw in FB newsfeeds about a very heavy crowd in the morning. Lucky enough to have a very smooth RPC session for me with much less crowd in the afternoon. Went there alone and did not spend that much time because I need to get back to work after that.
However, comparatively, this time there was less lively ambient at the RPC area at KL Convention Centre than at the Kenanga Wholesale Centre last year. I saw lesser exhibitors and crowd but I was not so sure how it was after I left and two more days after that.

Overall the RPC process was excellent to me as expected with friendly crews were available to assist with smiles.

My name is finally here

Not to forget, for the first time I saw my name listed as one of the FM runners at the dedicated event's board provided by the organiser every year.

The race kit and running gears

For the event, vest was provided for runners and I am very comfortable with it. The brand has changed from Adidas to Brooks this year and the vest was just nicely fit with my body this time. I put on my bib earlier as I always do on Friday night.

For the shoes, I used my Brooks Ghost 9 again as it has been proven very comfortable to me so far. I changed to a little thicker sock to minimise the movement of the insole while I am running like what I experienced at BIM 2017.

Again, I will bring along my cap to be used to protect my head and eyes from the sunlight a little bit although the rain was predicted to shower us in the morning. I think the cap still will be helpful for a specky like me in the rain.

The vest just fit nicely this time


The strategy during the run for my first FM at SCKLM is very simple and basically is the improvised version that I believe can suit me better to have more comfortable run. If everything going well, a better performance or new PB would be an extra bonus after the finish line.

My run

1.     To run at pace 6 as far as possible. Did up to16km at Twincity and 20km at BIM.
2.     To stay 100% running up to 30km if possible.
3.     To focus on reducing potential ankle pain after 30km and to extend the distance of slow run vs fast walk for the expected run-walk strategy duration to the FL. 
4.     The way to run will change to from playing with the stride to my cadence to control my pace.
5.     This way will reduce the impact felt by my ankle when it hit the road surface. I learned this approach from seeing the way Daniel Wanjiru, the winner of London Marathon 2017 ran on TV recently. Tried it in my LSD runs and during the NHM 2017 last week and it helped me to have less pain at my ankle especially towards the end of my run. I normally will listen carefully to the responses from any part of my body especially my knee and below before deciding to push or not to push myself at the last third of the distance. This is to avoid potential injury to my muscles and breathing difficulty for me to finish my run.

Cramp prevention... (prevented me for the past 2 FM runs)

1.     One salt stick 45 mins before FO
2.     One salt stick for every 45-50 minutes or every 8-10km after the FO.

To stay hydrated

1.     Will start to stop at the WS for plain water and isotonic drink from the 2nd WS.
2.     Already started increasing the plain water intake since Friday

Energy supplements

1.     One energy gel for every 10km after the FO
2.     Whatever being prepared at every WS such as banana.

To stay fresh

1.     To use wet sponge/towel or packed ice provided at the WS.

Blister prevention

1.     Post-op dressing for my nipple and lower arm skin.
My shoes are a wide-type for my forefoot that will give less grip with my toes. This will enable me to ease my toes by moving it freely whenever needed.

For the run


I am about the true meaning of carbo-loading to prepare for any run. However, I understand that I need to take extra meals with more carbo for a FM run.
My routine is similar with what I have been doing since my first FM.

In the same time, I was hoping for another cramp free and injury free run with lesser pain at my ankle after 30km.
The most important thing to have another enjoyable run to the FL again.


Went there at night last year and had to go in the evening this time.
Had to go to fetch my wife and kids at Bank Negara Komuter Station after that.

Initially I was planning to meet my good running friend from Kuching Mohd Syafiq Jurin but unfortunately he has already returned to his hotel when I called him to tell about the time to meet that evening. Also, could not meet him after the run because he had to rush to catch the flight back to Kuching. Hope to meet him again in Kuching or SCKLM 2018.

Walked to Merdeka Square from Medan Tunku along the Jalan TAR after Asar prayer. Seen some runners with running tees along the Jalan TAR too and some were walking from the Merdeka Square. From the look, I believe most of them were away from KL.

There were not so many people when I reached Merdeka Square.

When I started to take some photos at the FO line, I bumped into a group of four runners who were also taking photos. I introduced myself to them after helping them to snap their group photos. There were from Penang and joined the SCKLM for the second time this year.Then we had a nice chat  before another friend of mine from Johor Anta Anta arrived.

New friends from Penang

Anta Anta from Johor Bahru

Then a group of over 20 runners from Indonesia arrived and we introduced ourselves to each other after exchanging the help to take photos.
With runners from Indonesia
My another friend Suria Kencana arrived with his wife and we had a short chat too over there before we left.
Suria Kencana
Then I took few more photos at the event area and in my mind I started to visualise the scenario of the event the next day.

Jabuha Kan with his son from Bangkok

The place for medal and finisher tee collection for FM finishers

I was about to leave the square when a runner from Bangkok Jabuha Kan and his son helped me to take my last photos at the FO line. Then we took photos together too.

Being there before the event has been always making me more excited to wait for the FO in the next day.

Then I left the square and walked to the Bank Negara Komuter Station at about 6. 30p.m to wait for my wife and kids to arrive.
We had the dinner at about 8.00 p.m. and then went to the hotel to have a rest and good sleep.

Before going to sleep I drank one bottle of mineral water and one bottle of energy drink. Then I slept at about 9.30 p.m. that night.

My alarm woke me up at 2.00 a.m and I quickly took the shower and get myself prepared. I ate another two pieces of banana and drank one bottle of small mineral water after that. I took less water before I sleep and after I woke up compare to what I did for BIM because I was trying to avoid what happened at BIM to be repeated where I stopped three times to pee before half of the distance reached.

Ready with my attire for the run

I left the hotel for the venue at about 2.30 a.m and walked again through Jalan TAR to the Merdeka Square. The whole Jalan TAR from the in front of Sogo has already been closed because that will be the FO line for 10km and 5km runners.

Walking along Jalan TAR to Merdeka Square

The empty Jalan TAR

I reached the Merdeka Square at almost 3 a.m and quickly looked for my running friends from Anonymous Runners(AR) at our meeting point next to the FO area. On the way there I bumped into a  good friend Keneth Kuaan. 

Keneth Kuaan

I stopped and asked a help from a guy to take few photos at the event photo booth with the timing indicators before I continued walking to meet my friends.

At our meeting point, I saw Hussien, Zul Hakimi, Marzuki and Irwan have already arrived.  Marzuki will run for his first FM and Zul Hakimi will run his first HM at SCKLM while Irwan and Hussien made a return for another FM from last year.

After being there for a while, suddenly I saw another group of runners, RFM runners was also gathered next to us. Quickly I recognised Jamsari and Rahimah were also there.

L-R: Irwan, me, Hussien,Zul Hakimi and Marzuki

Jamsari from RFM runners Nilai

Then I suggested to my friends for us to move to the photo booth area again where there was a big tent where all of us can sit while waiting for others to arrive. 

After a while, I met Ken Lee who came for his first FM run attempt. We met in-person for the first time at the Kiara Conquer the trails in January but have been communicating regularly via FB since then. He also thanked me for tips and experiences that I have been sharing on my FB page which he has been following. I wished him all the best and I knew he can do it.

Ken Lee
Then another friend AB Malik arrived and after that more and more runners started to flood the area including my AR friends such as Fyrus, Hazrani, Syakir, Ikhmil, Fad, Ijam and Farah.

AB Malek Idris

With AR friends who have arrived  for the run

After taking more photos with them, I started my warming up at the same area and we left to the FO area at about 3.40 a.m. At the FO we went to our own FO area accordingly and from that point, we already separated from each other within the crowd.

My starting area

Again, I felt the excitement of entering the FO area. The atmosphere was electrifying as expected where thousands FM runners gathered with one aim which is to reach the FL. Over here I met the running celebrity again Mohd Azmi@GME with her unique running costume.Met one guy, also a veteran from Shah Alam named Ahmad who ran the FM just to stay healthy like me and many others.


All are ready to run!

Ahmad from Shah Alam


From the PEN 4, it took me few minutes to pass the FO line to start my run. I started very slowly among thousands of other runners from the FO area moving towards Jalan Raja Laut. Then I saw the recognised running event photographer Rany Tan on his ladder taking photos in front of the DBKL building.

Photo by Rany Tan: Just after the FO at Jalan Raja Laut

Within the first km I bumped into and overtook some friends that I can recognised such as AB Malek and then Jinggo at Jalan Raja Laut. I think I started pretty well and some pain that felt initially at my left foot from a day before slowly disappeared. That allowed me to run more comfortable by the time I reached the 2nd km.

For the first 2km I was surprised that despite running at a very easy pace, it was pace 5 in average and that lasted for the next 3km because my NRC indicated to me that I ran just under half hour for my first 5km. In the same time, I felt so relaxed and decided to reduce the pace to pace 6 after that to prevent me from being too exhausted at too early stage of the race. 

I remember I passed the 5:30 pacers group just after the big junction after the Menara TH towards Jalan Ampang and in about 2km after that I passed the 5:00 pacers group. However, that did not really affect my run or mindset because I have not been the type of runner who is depending on pacers to execute my running strategy at every run.

I did not stop at the first WS as planned and started to refill from the second one. I route was also familiar too me until we reached the U-turn at the AKLEH highway because I ran for the HM last year. I was still feeling good when at 10km, the NRC indicated the time about 1 hour 4 minutes. It meant, I was still running according to my plan at that stage. 

Then, just after the WS at the 12th km, I saw my friend Hussien move to the side of the road and stop checking his legs. I was aware that he was running with injury at BIM 2017 and quickly I thought that the injury troubled him again this time. I ran to him and asked whether he was ok or not. He told me, he should be alright and I can continue my run. I left him but the way he looked, I was not sure that time that he will be able to continue after that. I just prayed that he would be alright and will be taken care by the supporting crews after that.

Running along the elevated highway was a very exciting and unbelievable experience when I saw both sides of the highway were closed only for us to run. I could only see thousands of people passing the empty highway only with their legs and this type of view is not something I can see that often with my own eyes and in the same time I was one of them. It’s just amazing!

With my run, has been very comfortable after passing the 13th km, I started to have the feeling that at least I could improve the time from BIM. 

The only concern that I had in my mind from the start was about stories that had been telling to me by many about how to conquer the notorious route for runners at SCKLM at the last 10km of the route, Bukit Tunku stretch.

The experience in dealing with the route at UMS campus during BIM did help me a lot in managing some elevation along the highway and I did hope it will help me to conquer Bukit Tunku as well without causing me too much pain. 

For SCKLM 2017, the route covered two highways, AKLEH and DUKE. There some stretches with elevation but it was fairly normal to me because most of the elevation was gradual and not too steep to make it too tough to deal with.

After passing the first toll plaza at AKLEH, I met an Indian guy who finished together with me at Twincity. I introduced myself to him and then we ran together for a while until I stopped for the Subuh prayer just after the 14th km. I arrived at the temporary location for runners to pray just few minutes after the Azan. I must say that I was impressed with the facilities provided. There was ample of space and big mats provided with water supply facility for the wuduk as well.

I felt refreshed to continue my run after that. In the same time, the stop for the prayer also caused my average pace dropped from 6 average at the 14th km to about 15 at the 15th km. 

However, it was not really my concern to know that because I knew if I can still be running at the same pace or slightly slower before I stopped for the prayer, I would be still running according to my targeted total time before reaching the 30th km. The most important feeling at that time was about my lower body muscles and joints. I still felt comfortable to run with almost no pain at all after passing the 15th km and when I was getting closer to reach the half way mark at 21km. 

One more thing that I learned from the experience at BIM was to maximise the use of muscle spray service by the crews at each WS to keep my ankle and calf muscles stay fresh and easing any pain. So, I stopped at each WS to get my ankle and calf muscles sprayed and yes, the feeling was better when I continued my run after that.

As I was closing to reach the 24th km, the memory of ankle pain at BIM suddenly came back haunting me. However, my foot responded differently and in a very positively to stay running at the almost constant pace 7 and 8 until I passed the 29th km mark before I reached the WS just before the toll plaza at the DUKE highway towards Jalan Kuching.

I started to feel so excited again and after 26km of only focusing on my run, I finally decided to take some photos. But suddenly I had a better idea of making a short video instead of just selfie and  post it to my IG and FB. Just to tell my family and my friends out there that after 26km of running, I was still in good condition to finish my 3rd FM!

So, I did exactly that.

Just after passing the 26th km at the DUKE highway

At this stage I could see less smiling or happy faces among runners. However, they were some runners who tried to make others cheered in their own ways and styles. I remember two male and fairly younger runners than me suddenly heard saying "Tepi! Tepi! Kereta nak lalu!" from behind me and then passed me and other runners while smiling. This was between the 22/23 km to 24/25 km if I am not mistaken at the flat areas with some elevation along the DUKE highway.
"Kita running kena happy la kan bang" added one of them when I looked and smiled at them.
One of them wore the Volt Runners tee and I bumped into them again at WSs and other points after that.

Along this stretch and not long before reaching the WS at the toll plaza to reach the 30th km mark, I met the 5:30 pacers group again when they appeared from my back. By this time, although I was still able to stick to my plan to keep running, my body told me I just could not run faster than I intended to catch up with the pacers.

I also met a friend Khairul Sixth was running the same group of pacers where I could only run for few hundred metres only with them.

After passing the 26th km, I also started to wear my cap because the sunlight has started to heat our eyes and skin.

Then this pacers group made a stop at the WS before the 30km checkpoint and I continued with my run to get the wrist band which will guarantee runners the medal and finisher tee.

Happily reached the 30km mark

Reaching the 30th km mark also marked another accomplishment for me in this event. I have successfully executed my running strategy which resulted in 100%  running to that point. On top of that, I did not suffer that much pain as I did at BIM.

Received my wrist band that will confirm the medal and finisher tee for if I finish the run.

After being given the wrist band, runners slowly leaving the DUKE highway and entering Jalan Kuching where we had to run side by side with vehicles heading to KL City.

Running at Jalan Kuching to Segambut roundabout

From Jalan Kuching, the next stage was to go through the exit towards Segambut roundabout before turning to the right to enter the notorious stretch of SCKLM, Bukit Tunku.
At Jalan Kuching suddenly I had the idea of what did at I love PD run again.
I took my phone and ask the favour from one of the crews who were cheering us to take my running photos. Immediately after that I uploaded one of the photos on my IG and FB.

While passing the Segambut roundabout, I finally managed to talk to one unique male runner who ran with a normal long track pant but with normal sandal. We were running and have been exchanging position from the time we entered the DUKE Highway before that.
I asked him whether is hurt or does it caused him blister when running with normal sandal like that. He answered, it would cause him blister if he wears normal running shoes but not with the sandal.
I was speechless to hear that and my last words to him were on " I respect la your bro!".
He smiled to me and then increased his pace slowly and finally disappeared from my sight after that.
Who else met this runner because he finished much earlier than me.

Then I finally arrived at the road heading Bukit Tunku. Mentally I was expecting a very tough surface with elevation that may kill my hope to improve my timing to be better than 5:56 clocked at BIM 2017.

However, I was left puzzled when after more than 1km something running in Bukit Tunku area, I still could not see the type of elevation that deemed to be known as notorious for me to deal with. The route looked a little bit familiar to me because it was the same route that I ran for One Asean Unity run in 2015.The first 10km running event I participated. There were some stretches with elevation but not as steep as I had anticipated.

While passing this area at one elevated road, suddenly I heard 5:30 pacers group behind me. By this time, I knew that the sub 5:30 was confirmed to be out of my reach. I decided just to let them go and continue with my own pace.
When I gave some thought about my pace after the 30km mark, I was a little bit  confused with own performance. At Twincity and BIM I suffered pain after about the 30km and 24km respectively. The pain mainly at my ankle did limit my ability to run because it was very painful whenever my foot hit the road surface. The reason caused me just to walk mainly to the FL.
However, that pain was no longer my main problem for this time because I still could run and did less walking. The only thing that was obvious to me is I just did not have the strength to run faster than I thought I could.

This could be due to my May challenge where I have already completed 1 FM and 1 HM within 2 weeks before this one.

This is something that I need to assess further on why I felt like I lost the energy to fuel me to running at faster pace (my mind said I could). It is also possible that I was truly out of energy or already too little left in my body to fuel me up to run faster.
Maybe I need to relook at my pre- race meals or carbo-loading strategy and how to improve the intake of energy source itself during my run in order to provide me with enough energy to improve my running pace towards the end of the run.

When the 5:30 pacers group overtook me, my focus was just about to finish my run and enjoy it as much as possible. It was not that I did not want to run faster but despite with no pain like what I endured at BIM, I just felt that I have little energy left to do it.

From the moment, I entered the Bukit Tunku area, my mind was more thinking about what I have achieved up that stage where I was about to finish another FM run undoubtedly!
It was totally insane when thinking that I was about to finish my May challenge. When I looked back about two years ago, running a marathon was an impossible thing to do and had never thought of even thinking about it. However, I had already finished my second FM, a week after that a HM and then I was on the way to finish a FM at SCKLM?
I sounded too much for my own brain to digest but all that became some kind a very nice memories and songs that kept my mind occupied during my run.

So, the next stage of my run towards the end was just a very relaxed to pass the route at Bukit Tunku area. After the downhill towards Bank Negara before turning left, I saw my ultra-runner friend Fadzil Yusof passing me and then he was out of my sight after the U-turn when it was about 5km left to the FL. Just after the U-turn, I heard another Ultra runner friend Mohd Faizal Rahim @ Jax called my name and I replied him and continued with my run.

Then FM runners reached the roundabout in front of Bank Rakyat building when I saw runners for other categories came to join us at the Jalan Parlimen. From here the route started to become more lively because FM runners joined by HM runners towards the FL. Finally, Jax overtook me while we were running at another downhill towards lebuh raya mahameru from Jalan Parlimen.

The rain started to shower us just few minutes after that and in the same time I think I was almost totally forgotten about the time for me to finish my run. The rain was not heavy but after running more than about 37km at that stage, the weight added that soaked by my vest, shot and shoes still could be felt as additional burden to carry while running. 

Next,what I did was just fast walk and followed by slow and very relaxed run. In the same time, I tried to have some chat with runners who were running or walk with me but their responses were not that much as expected. It is understood because at that stage, not many would have much to say or able to say because whatever energy left is all about to be used to reach the FL. So, chatting was not something that would be their priority or the convenient thing to do.

By this time every single elevation was felt like an Everest mountain to climb. Just before reaching the 40km mark, finally I had a nice chat with a male Chinese runner who was waiting for his friend who was still behind us.


The 40km mark turned my spirit 360 degree. Suddenly I felt refueled and so light to run. I just could not stop myself to take my photo at the 40km sign board.

I started running again with no intention to stop after that. In the same time the rain slowly stopped by the time I passed the National Museum to reach the last WS under the bypass road. I stopped for a while to call my wife to check whether she has arrived or not. She replied that she was at the in front of the National Mosque. I was so happy to know that she would finish her first ever 10km run finally. That is something that she had never thought of doing it as well.

I continued my run to pass the Majestic Hotel and then the KTMB historic train station. I could more runners were looking much happier along this stretch. Of course, all of them including myself when we started to see a group of photographers were snapping photos in front of us at the roundabout towards the FL where runners were turning right.
Again, I saw Rany Tan on his ladder was among the photographers.

At the roundabout, I started to make some noise to cheer myself up and others to enjoy the last less than 1km of the 42km.Suddenly one runner told me that he recognised me from my posts at Running Kaki FB page.
Then we ran together to reach the last 500 metres arch.

However, he continued and I stopped for another selfie. Ha! Ha! Ha!

This stage was very memorable for me last year. At that time, I did not have the chance to truly enjoy it because I was struggled to deal with the pain of my sprained left ankle.
I wanted to make it a memorable one this time but in more pleasant way.

After the 500 metres arch I was ready to continue potentially among the most satisfying run in my life so far. 

I ran and made much more noise towards the FL at the square where I started to hear the noise from the emcee, music and the cheering crowd as well.

I did not realise it when I took off my cap and started waving it to the crowd when I was doing my final sprint from the downhill in front of Dayabumi building to the Merdeka Square. I felt like just flying with my eyes were focusing on the arch of the finish line which was getting closer and clearer with every step of my run.

The cheering voices from the crowd was getting louder and louder as I was passing them. Some were waving their hands for the runners to touch with high five or just a touch to encourage them to continue running to the finish line.

Everything were felt the moment my legs reached the flat road surface with the signage according to the categories to the finish line. The euphoria with full of adrenaline and true satisfaction when my eyes were looking at the digital clock at the arch and then when my body crossed the finished has no words to describe. 

No words can explain the feeling when seeing the finish line to finish the 42km run
My two hands naturally raised again with the right one holding and waving my cap and the fist at my left hand. Only marathoners understand it and at the seconds I felt so special, strong, accomplished and blessed that I was one of the marathon finishers at the most prestigious running event in our beloved country, Malaysia.

Whoooaaahhh!!! I finished my 3rd FM and in the same time successfully conquering my self-created May Challenge. Hard to believe or imagine that I just ran 2 FM and HM run in three consecutive weeks.

On top of that I finished all of them with no signs of muscle cramp throughout the 105km distance that I have covered throughout the month in running events.

Alhamdulillah, I have done it at this stage of my life. Everything have been possible as the result of the healthy lifestyle that now has become the way of my life with my family.

With Ven Goh

After Ven Goh left, I finally made the short video at the finish line. I bumped into Jinggo again who just finished his run and we took the photo together too. Then I walked while taking photos to the lane to collect my medal, finisher tee and other goodies for FM finishers Truly could not explain the feeling again during that short walk. I asked the crew to take my photo as well.

With Jinggo

Walking to  collect the medal and the finisher tee

Reached the collection area

Received my medal and tee from the crew
I have earned it agan!
After getting my medal and asked one of the crew to take my photo again with my medal, I called my wife and she was waiting for at the meeting point 1. Felt like to hug her tight the moment I saw her but with her friend were with here, I was able to stay calm and just congratulated her and her friends for finishing their run.

With my wife with our medal as finishers.
Well done and congratulation sayang!

After taking some photos with my wife, we decided for her to return to the hotel to be with my kids and I will join them later after spending my time to look and be with my friends at the venue.
Then I walked to the agreed meeting point with my AR friends. I saw some of them who ran FM and HM have already there waiting for others to arrive. Again, this is among the best part at every event especially a big event like SCKLM. To meet friends and exchanging experiences and stories about our run.Then we congratulated each other for every single goal the each of us has accomplished in the run.

I was also so glad to have finally met some of my FB friends in person as well and share that moments in photos. Yes, running can connect strangers to become good friends who share the same passion in running.Sometime I feel humbled with the way some of them expressed their appreciation on how some of my sharing on the social media inspired them in different ways positively.

My AR friends after we finished our run

Fad Ali

Mohmad Azam Abd Latef

Zulhafizy Ahmad

Naza Wakiran

MO Hanif
Saepol Ibnu Abdullah

R-L: Khairun Naji with his friend Mohd Hafizzuddin

Officially I was ranked 808 out of 1597 finishers in Men Malaysian Veteran Runners with the time of 5 hours 41 minutes and 24 seconds. Details on  the figures and statistics on my run are show below.


Yes! I have achieved all what I have intended to do for my FM runs in my running adventure this year. I have conquered three full marathon runs under six hours and I feel great about it to myself.
On top of that I feel so blessed by Allah with the type of health and fitness level that I am now able to enjoy at this stage of my life.
Now, I realized  that when we are healthy, life could only become better and we can feel  it too in our day to day life.

All FM runs that I have finished in 2017.More than satisfied as a new comer in FM.

My looks before I changed my lifestyle with running as one of the important elements in it

The event

I don't think I can tell that much because I believe many would agree with me that SCKLM is the benchmark for marathon events in Malaysia. After running in two FM events before, I concluded all what are needed by runners to finish a marathon run have been provided by the organiser at all stages from the registration process until decided to leave the event venue after the run. It's not perfect 100% but I would not complain because what I enjoyed is so much more than that as a runner.

Something that was quite obvious is, the finisher tee may be the worst in term of design and colour in my running tees collection but when I rethink, not all runners are capable to have it.

At BIM 2016, some cheated to get it and in 2017, security personnnel were called to control angry runners who failed to run within the COT and demanded the medal and finisher tee.Again at SCKLM 2017, a lady went berserk on the event FB to express her anger for not getting the tee after stopped at the checkpoint and considered DNF for failing to meet the COT.

I am one of those who do not like to associate a thing such the finisher tee with my success or satisfaction but now I truly understood that to some runners, it does.

It is not just a tee and the meaning could be beyond just a thing to wear.It may reflect all the hard works and efforts that have been pun together to run a marathon , could also symbolise a personal pride and etc.If not, they might not react or do such things just because to get the tee or when not getting it for their run.

I am more grateful now for being entitled to get my medals and finisher tees for all my marathon run so far while many are still hoping or dreaming to get it.

Yes, the medal and finisher tee for every marathon run is not just given but it is earned.

So, what's next?

To me, life is sometime just like a long marathon run.There is always the next challenge after we finished or overcome one until He says enough. I am ready to carry the spirit to move forward from my success in completing the May challenge to sustain my healthy lifestyle.

My key takeaway from SCKLM 2017 and my May Challenge is to keep learning on how to improve my run for me to enjoy it more with better performance to keep boosting my motivation to stay running. I learned a lot and has deeper understanding on how my body responding to every distance and stage of my runs now.

To end 2017, I will only run half marathon distance or lower.I guess 3 FM runs should be enough for me and I am pretty satisfied with what I have achieved in all the 3 runes that I joined. I have to be very careful to select events for my FM adventure because I want to avoid the risks of poorly organised events that may cause me problems to run with lack of facilities and support services for runners throughout the route.
For my upcoming FM runs , I think I would only consider to join events that have good and proven track records  and reviews among runners in the running community.

I must confess that I am still having the disbelief on what I have been achieved resulted from my improved health and fitness now since my start in 2015. There have so much good surprises when we are healthy actually and I am not going to return to my old unhealthy habits again!

So, this is my last story for my FM runs in 2017 and for those who have some interest to run a FM or also beginners like me, below are what I would to share based on on little experience so far.
  1. Set a clear objectives and targets on why you want to run a FM because it will determine the strategy in the training/preparation, the build-up activity towards the event, during the run and the recovery after every run;
  2. Don't rush yourself to run a FM.Carefully assess your strengths and weaknesses in your run and take necessary actions to improve it.For example, if timing in your concern, you should overcome your barriers to run at faster pace;
  3. You have the option to experience a FM run with plenty of drama with all the struggles due to muscle and joint pains, cramped, injuries  and etc because you are ill-prepared or to have a good and comfortable with manageable pains and difficulties. It will depend on your preparation mentally and physically before the run;
  4. Have running friends who have experienced in FM runs to ask questions, to share  their experiences, to guide and event train together  in the preparation stage.
  5. Have enough training and there are so many online materials and Apps that can guide runners from different groups such as for beginners  can be referred and used to prepare your own training plan. The easiest way is just try to follow the guides provided and change it whenever you feel necessary as you progress and how your body responded to the plan.
  6. Create the social support system among close family and friends who will be there to encourage and motivate you especially when feel unsure or frustrated at some stages in  the preparation. The support system will also help to shield you from the negativity in perception of others who don't know what are you up to with your training routines.
  7. Vary your activities in the training to make you feel exciting because with between 4-6 months needed for an ordinary guy or runner to prepare for the first FM, you may feel bore if keep repeating the same routines  and at the same environment all the time.
  8. Get suitable running gears especially shoes,socks,pants and shirts/vests and get familiar with them during the training.

The Ramadhan is coming on 27 May and I hope is to restrengthen my relationship with Him throughout the one month that with full of blessings as my signs of gratefulness and thankful for what I have been enjoying in my life until now.
It's to improve the health and fitness of my spiritual life and relationship between a Hamba with his Creator. 

I left SCKLM 2017 with another great memories and definitely will make a return in 2018.In sha Allah.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum. Salam tahniah! Harap tidak terlalu lambat. Sungguh terperinci laporannya! Semoga sukses selalu, InsyaAllah.
