Tuesday 23 May 2017


DATE: 14 May
VENUE: Dataran Nilai, Bandar Baru Nilai

Missed the first version last year because I was not ready to run a HM yet. Few strange things that I saw for the registration last year but some have been improved this year.
  • Manual registration thru bank-in and walk-in but changed to online registration this year.

  • 7.30 a.m. flag off time last year changed to 7.00 a.m. this year after feedback and suggestions given by runner via the event FB but hopefully they can change it to at least 6.30 a.m. next year. Late flag off time may deter more new runners to join due to excessive heat from the sunlight from the mid-way and towards the end of the run.

  • Still cotton event tee and no finisher tee this year. However, the organiser Majlis Perbandaran Nilai has agreed to consider dry fit material for event and finisher tees next year.

My NHM 2017

#nilaihalfmarathon or NHM was planned as one of the runs in my personal May Challenge before all Muslims going into the Ramadhan month. It is also the run to build up for the probably my last FM run in 2017 or my 3rd FM run.
One more thing is I consider the event is my home event because my house is less than 2km from the venue in Bandar Baru Nilai.

So, my goal is simple. Since I just completed my first May Challenge at BIM 2017 on 7 May, I just wanted to have another cramp and injury free run for me to be able to have another comfortable run at SCKLM on 21 May.
Arrived at the FO area at about 6.30 a.m. after performing Subuh prayer at Masjid Putra Nilai located just next to it.

I was informed the total runners registered was doubled than the about 400 runners in 2016.
It may be due to a very good feedback last year and more cash prizes offered for runners.
There were about 80 runners from other countries Kenya, Singapore, Vietnam etc. also joined this time around.

The feeling was pretty amazing when I saw some local top HM runners such as Muhaizar Mohamad, Coach Din Azrizal Hussin Nicx Ryme and others were also the at the FO.

Feeling good also to meet my running friends such as Eddy Tan Zulhafizy Ahmad Zulhilmi and etc. at the FO area while performing my warming up workouts.

My aim for the run is just to run at pace 5 and pace 6 throughout the 21km route.

I was able to run at pace 5 for about 6km and pace 6 for another 6km.

The first 3km of the route was actually the route for my regular morning run and I felt more excited about it when running with others in an event passing the same route.

Then I saw my FB friend from Nilai
 Rahimah Elias was taking photos at the junction turning to my house at Desa Kolej.

About 30 minutes after the FO when we were passing TESCO and Giant, the sun has already started to produce the heat from its light runners.

From the moment, I turn to the left towards Taman Semarak, I knew the best thing to do for me was just relax and no point for me to push myself further.

Until the 10km to 13km, I was still running comfortably with pace 5-6 but after passing the popular eating spot, Semangkuk Batang Benar, my legs were gradually running slower and slower down to pace 7 and 8 under the scorching hot sun. I just listened to my legs and continue running with that pace.

After the 10km, I saw my friend Syahmi Haziq was on duty as one of the volunteers at the checkpoint. He snapped my photos as well when I passed him.

To me, the elevation throughout the route was not that steep but running to pass each of it was tougher due to the heat from the sun and very humid as well.

However, the availability of enough water stations for almost every 3km helped me to stay hydrated and refreshed. Packed ice and wet towel were also provided at some water stations.

One thing that they should improve for next year is to indicate the marker for each km for runners to have better guide along the route and to plan their pace especially towards the last 5km of the route.

Another highlight is the traffic control. Sufficient safety cones were seen to guide runners to run along the route and all junctions and turns were well manned and controlled by the traffic policemen, MPN personnel and volunteers with orange shirt.

It was pretty lucky also when at the last 2-3km, the weather suddenly changed with signs of rain seen. However, there was only drizzle just about 1km from the FL and stopped not long after I crossed the FL.

Saw Rahimah taking photos again after that at the turn of the road from Nilai 3.

I really had a nice and relaxing run during the last 2km after the last water station.

Did some selfies when passed the road crossing the PLUS Highway towards the FL.

Then I took short videos when I entered the last 300m at Nilai Square to the FL while runners were busy sprinting to finish their run.

I ended my first NHM in 2 hours 16 minutes based on my NRC and 2 hours 15 minutes officially.

Also glad to finish my run with no cramp or injury as well. My goal achieved!

After crossing the FL I also met my FB running friends such as Jamsari Mohamad Azizan Mohamed and then joined by Syahmi Haziq. We had some nice chat and taking photos together.

After taking photos at the photo booth and around the FL area, then I decided to stay for a while for the lucky draw session which was another main attraction of the event. At the tent, I met a new friend Kasim Johol from Seremban.

We had a nice chat too. However, it was too long for me to wait for the lucky draw and I decided to leave because I was just already starving and need to clean up to refresh myself.
There were over 200 hundred winners received cash prizes for 5 categories and all were invited to collect their prizes on the stage.

My suggestion is for next year, only top 3 or top 5 winners from each category to receive their prizes on the stage. That will reduce significantly the time for all to wait.

Overall, the NHM 2017 was very well organised and with some improvements, it could me one of the much-awaited events for runners and for Nilai community every year.'

As the resident of Nilai, I would like to suggest MPN to consider to have more running/walking route along the routes within Bandar Baru Nilai to encourage a healthy lifestyle among its residents.

Congratulations to all runners and well done MPN for the great efforts in organising NHM 2017!

Hope to see you again in 2018!

At the flag off area

The run

At the finish line

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