Wednesday 17 May 2017

YAMM Nite Run and I Love PD Run 2017

Two non competitive  and fairly small scale running events
Joined at the very last minutes to keep the momentum in the building up to Borneo International Marathon on 7 May and Standard Chartered KL marathon on 21 May.I will run a Full Marathon in both.
Missed my earlier planned runs on 8 and 9 April, Rimba Alam  Ultra 50km relay run with my friends and 21km Score Run respectively due to an urgent family matter.

YAMM Nite Run, 22 April 2017.
Venue: UiTM Campus Shah Alam
Distance: 11km, Road run
Estimated total  runners: Just over 1,000 for 11km and 4km
Selected this event because of the anticipated hilly route which would be good for uphill and downhill training.I came to this run after joining a futsal event with my ex schoolmates in Gombak. Only played for few minutes and that did not affect me too much for the run.

Went back home from Gombak and left for Shah Alam about 6pm.Lucky to get my friend Razman to collect the race kit for me and agreed to meet him there before the flag off at Padang Kawad UiTM.

Met other running friends such as Ridzuan Ali(met in person for the first time) and Ven Goh during the warm up session before the FO.
It was weird when the FO started with the shorter distance category 4km instead of the 11km.
FO delayed to about 9pm to clear the traffic from the 4km runners.

I started from the middle of the group at the FO and took me almost 1km to truly get myself the breakaway from the crowd.

Yes, what have been told by all  friends who already ran at UiTM campus is true.The route is very demanding within the campus as expected.Hill after hill were awaiting to deal with  by runners from after the FO within the campus area until a long downhill for runner to leave the campus area through the main entrance gate.

Then, came the most scary part of the route.The moment we left the main gate, the safety runners started to become almost unattended. No safety cones provided along the route where vehicles were passing that stretch in fast mode.Volunteers were only seen standing along side the route at some junctions and the U-turn at the traffic light.

We have to experience that very dangerous(to my definition)  stretch for about 2-3km from the main gate and then make a turn to the enter the campus again through the same gate.Luckily I heard no runners involved in any accident that night because at the U-turn, I saw it myself, a car that was supposed to slow down as did not and almost touch a few young girl runners when passing the route.

Once we entered the campus again, the most challenging uphill route awaited us where we have to pass the chancellery building  and then going further upward before another downhill.

Then we have to run passing a fairly busy stretch where students were seen waiting for buses and other vehicles along the roadside.Then came another uphill towards the starting point and by this time, I was truly exhausted to push further. I just kept myself running slowly because my goal was to stay running to the FL.

Glad to see the familiar photographer Rany Tan was ready to greet us with his camera just before runners entering tha Padang Kawad UiTM again to reach the FL. 
There was no timing chip for this event and I finished the run at about 1 hour 10 minutes for the 11km distance.

I waited for  few minutes at the FL area while keeping myself re-hydrated with the drink and snack provided for all runners.Met some friends and took photos together and then I left the venue at about 10.30 p.m.

I think I have achieved my goal by joining this event because it was a very good workouts to test the strength of my lower body especially my ankle, knee and hip to overcome the uphill and downhill route in the event. I felt a little muscle sore here and there after that but overall, I finished the run injury free again.

To return if they have it again by the same organiser?  I am not so sure because...
1. The safety of runners at the route outside the campus was not properly taken care.
2. They invited a politician to give a speech before the FO(which I believe  also caused the delay of the FO because we have to wait for him to arrive). I just hate politicians who love screaming in their speeches like no PA system for us to hear them.
3. The tee design and material was very poor.

I still can take it if it was a fully organised by the students of UiTM but it was not. It was organised by a so-called running event company and I expected they should have done better with the name that represent their company.

Anyway, thanks UiTM! The route within the campus was an interesting one to try again.


I Love PD Run
30 April 2017.
Venue: Pantai Cahaya Negeri, Port Dickson
Distance: 10km(70% road, 30% beach)
Estimated total runners: 400+ for 10km and 5km
This event held in conjunction with the Festival PD 2017 where many other activities were held over the week to the weekend. Came with my family a night earlier but I was the only one who decided to run initially.It was just a walk-in registration and I collected my race pack at the same time when I arrived at the venue on Saturday evening.

However, that night, my son decided to join me to run. He did not plan to run initially, so he did not bring his road running shoes.Last night he said he wanted to run but only for 5km because he told his trail running shoes is in the car.I agreed but when he tried to register for 5km this morning, he was told the bib for 5km left only for those 17 yrs old and below and he only can registered for 10km.So, he registered for 10km.

I was worry whether he can run for 10km on the road with the trail running shoes. It may hurt his foot and get injured too.

Me and my son arrived at the FO area at about 6.30 a.m. I was not crowded at all until the FO time due to the small numbers of runners.

 Then we joined the Zumba warm up session at the main stage area.It was quite fun as well with the male Zumba instructor.

The FO was done about on time and very smooth as well.
For my son, he was a little bit fortunate that about 3km of the route was off road and runners  had to run along the some parts of PD beach. He ran to the end and managed to finish his third 10km event with me today with no injury as well.
Proud of him although naturally he is not a sports-type person like me too when I was at his age.Another challenge for him was only one water station provided at about 7km of the route.

The run was fairly relaxed to me.It was totally just an easy and fun run passing the seaside for the first 1 km plus and later at flat road surface before turning back and passing the same beach route again to the finish line.
Surprisingly, I was placed at the 6th position in the veteran category and to receive RM30 cash prize for 4th to 10th place other than the medal.

I was also glad to know my son finished his 10km run with no injury not long after I finished mine.

At this event, I met my friend Zamri with his family. He ran to pace his daughter for a 5km fun run and her daughter was in the top 10  in her category too. At the FO I made new friend, Aezzat Asnan who registered at the last minute and to go for a wedding reception after the run. He was also placed top 10 in the 10km open category.
After the finish, I met my FB friend for the first time, Hanafi Esa who is also from Negeri Sembilan but now working in Terengganu, He was on a short holiday back to his hometown.

In the general, the event was fairly well organised and it was fully managed by the personnel from the organiser of the PD festival 2017 itself.
The run was so enjoyable and I did manage to ask some crews to take my photos at some points of the route as well.

They were from the State Tourism Office and the PD Municipal Council if I am not mistaken and they were very nice, cheerful and friendly to all runners from the registration until I left the venue. I was not lucky for the lucky draw this time too...ha! ha! ha!

I was a good outing in PD with the run and although it may not the best event but I will have no hesitation to come back for the next for another fun run and time with my family.At keast the tee and traffic control was much better than the YAMM Nite Run and PD has much more to offer for a  nice family outing on weekends as well.

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