Thursday, 25 June 2009


change must start somewhere at some point and with something to start with.
Hard to choose which one to start normally and in the end we don't do anything and end up with the same thing as it is.

We often heard the phrase of " think big" and " be ambitious" or " touch the sky before you drop" and many more. It all about something very-very good and so great that we should strive and achieve.

for me, thousands steps will start with one step. We grow from a little baby to who we are today. Great things started with simple ideas or conceptual.
A book is full of sentences and a sentence is made from words..words come from letters and a letter is a combination of many tiny dots...and that dots are combination of many single dot.

All come from the smallest thing and in life...I believe to start with something basics or small as a fundamental for us to go for bigger goals and dreams.

It has been so natural that we always think big and look very far a head on what we need to do.
Once we have decided that we need to change and will start with ourself...we should start with the small things to indicate the change. We can't change anything if we don't even sure to take care of ourself.

For something good, it should start from us, then our family, relatives and so on. There many people out there who can take of thousands staff in their companies but having ruined family and marriage life. People with millions of other people who are very obedient to them but end up having a children involved in drugs and crimes. We talked so deep and big about Islam but won't even the strength to ensure we follow the fundamentals of this religion. This is strange but those are the reality.

There people who are not even praying five times a day as muslim but talking about how to change Muslims to become better. The fundamentals of ibadah or the core in Islam is praying and yet we look it so small until we don't do it or take it lightly in our pursuit for bigger things.

Small things that we do today can me the strongest base for us to move further. Like a building with unstable base will collapse in just a matter of time.

I can see that the teachings in our religion has been always being small in the priority list although we always deny it. We said that we fear Allah but we willingly do sinful things. We tend to justify why we need to do it rather than finding ways to avoid it. At some points I heard people said this " why don't we do it a little bit because it is the norm and others also doing it". In the end , we let others dictate whether its sinful or not.

"sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit"...that's why bukit is very strong and stable (until human destroying them)
" kuman di seberang nampak tapi gajah depan mata tak nampak"...kuman is damaging but we still looking at them first!

We always overlooked the small things but in the end, bigger things don't guarantee us anything.

For a change in life...
Small things will carry on to add the weight and that added weight will make what we wanted to achieve become big and stronger.
Small things will be the core of big things and also to fill up the gap that may emerge through out the journey to get the big one.
Start small and then achieve greatness and that will last longer...more meaningful when we start to appreciate smallest things that we have done when we reached the biggest accomplishment in our life.

"Life is enjoyable and to be enjoyed although it is or looks

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